# Protocol Documentation ## Table of Contents - [api/rpc_cross_chain.proto](#api_rpc_cross_chain-proto) - [RpcCrossChain](#api-RpcCrossChain) - [api/rpc_relay_chain.proto](#api_rpc_relay_chain-proto) - [RpcRelayChain](#api-RpcRelayChain) - [common/common.proto](#common_common-proto) - [BcosConfig](#common-BcosConfig) - [CancelInfo](#common-CancelInfo) - [ChainmakerConfig](#common-ChainmakerConfig) - [ConfirmInfo](#common-ConfirmInfo) - [ContractKeyValuePair](#common-ContractKeyValuePair) - [CrossChainConfirm](#common-CrossChainConfirm) - [CrossChainConfirmUpChain](#common-CrossChainConfirmUpChain) - [CrossChainEvent](#common-CrossChainEvent) - [CrossChainInfo](#common-CrossChainInfo) - [CrossChainMsg](#common-CrossChainMsg) - [CrossChainTxUpChain](#common-CrossChainTxUpChain) - [FabricConfig](#common-FabricConfig) - [GatewayInfo](#common-GatewayInfo) - [MapEventDataType](#common-MapEventDataType) - [Node](#common-Node) - [Orderer](#common-Orderer) - [Org](#common-Org) - [PageInfo](#common-PageInfo) - [Peer](#common-Peer) - [Pkcs11](#common-Pkcs11) - [TxContent](#common-TxContent) - [TxContentWithVerify](#common-TxContentWithVerify) - [TxVerifyInterface](#common-TxVerifyInterface) - [CallType](#common-CallType) - [ChainmakerRuntimeType](#common-ChainmakerRuntimeType) - [Code](#common-Code) - [CrossChainStateValue](#common-CrossChainStateValue) - [CrossType](#common-CrossType) - [EventDataType](#common-EventDataType) - [EventName](#common-EventName) - [Operate](#common-Operate) - [TriggerCondition](#common-TriggerCondition) - [TryResult](#common-TryResult) - [TxResultValue](#common-TxResultValue) - [TxVerifyRsult](#common-TxVerifyRsult) - [TxVerifyType](#common-TxVerifyType) - [Version](#common-Version) - [common/cross_chain/request.proto](#common_cross_chain_request-proto) - [ChainIdentityRequest](#cross_chain-ChainIdentityRequest) - [CrossChainCancelRequest](#cross_chain-CrossChainCancelRequest) - [CrossChainConfirmRequest](#cross_chain-CrossChainConfirmRequest) - [CrossChainEventRequest](#cross_chain-CrossChainEventRequest) - [CrossChainTryRequest](#cross_chain-CrossChainTryRequest) - [IsCrossChainSuccessRequest](#cross_chain-IsCrossChainSuccessRequest) - [TxVerifyRequest](#cross_chain-TxVerifyRequest) - [common/cross_chain/response.proto](#common_cross_chain_response-proto) - [ChainIdentityResponse](#cross_chain-ChainIdentityResponse) - [CrossChainCancelResponse](#cross_chain-CrossChainCancelResponse) - [CrossChainConfirmResponse](#cross_chain-CrossChainConfirmResponse) - [CrossChainEventResponse](#cross_chain-CrossChainEventResponse) - [CrossChainTryResponse](#cross_chain-CrossChainTryResponse) - [IsCrossChainSuccessResponse](#cross_chain-IsCrossChainSuccessResponse) - [PingPongResponse](#cross_chain-PingPongResponse) - [TxVerifyResponse](#cross_chain-TxVerifyResponse) - [common/relay_chain/request.proto](#common_relay_chain_request-proto) - [BeginCrossChainRequest](#relay_chain-BeginCrossChainRequest) - [GatewayRegisterRequest](#relay_chain-GatewayRegisterRequest) - [GatewayUpdateRequest](#relay_chain-GatewayUpdateRequest) - [InitContractRequest](#relay_chain-InitContractRequest) - [QueryCrossChainRequest](#relay_chain-QueryCrossChainRequest) - [QueryGatewayRequest](#relay_chain-QueryGatewayRequest) - [SyncBlockHeaderRequest](#relay_chain-SyncBlockHeaderRequest) - [UpdateContractRequest](#relay_chain-UpdateContractRequest) - [common/relay_chain/response.proto](#common_relay_chain_response-proto) - [BeginCrossChainResponse](#relay_chain-BeginCrossChainResponse) - [GatewayRegisterResponse](#relay_chain-GatewayRegisterResponse) - [GatewayUpdateResponse](#relay_chain-GatewayUpdateResponse) - [InitContractResponse](#relay_chain-InitContractResponse) - [QueryCrossChainResponse](#relay_chain-QueryCrossChainResponse) - [QueryGatewayResponse](#relay_chain-QueryGatewayResponse) - [SyncBlockHeaderResponse](#relay_chain-SyncBlockHeaderResponse) - [UpdateContractResponse](#relay_chain-UpdateContractResponse) - [Scalar Value Types](#scalar-value-types)


## api/rpc_cross_chain.proto Copyright (C) THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company. All rights reserved. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 ### RpcCrossChain 跨链网关api | Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description | | ----------- | ------------ | ------------- | ------------| | CrossChainTry | [.cross_chain.CrossChainTryRequest](#cross_chain-CrossChainTryRequest) | [.cross_chain.CrossChainTryResponse](#cross_chain-CrossChainTryResponse) | 接收跨链请求的接口 | | CrossChainConfirm | [.cross_chain.CrossChainConfirmRequest](#cross_chain-CrossChainConfirmRequest) | [.cross_chain.CrossChainConfirmResponse](#cross_chain-CrossChainConfirmResponse) | 跨链结果确认,提交 | | CrossChainCancel | [.cross_chain.CrossChainCancelRequest](#cross_chain-CrossChainCancelRequest) | [.cross_chain.CrossChainCancelResponse](#cross_chain-CrossChainCancelResponse) | 跨链结果确认,回滚 | | IsCrossChainSuccess | [.cross_chain.IsCrossChainSuccessRequest](#cross_chain-IsCrossChainSuccessRequest) | [.cross_chain.IsCrossChainSuccessResponse](#cross_chain-IsCrossChainSuccessResponse) | 判断跨链结果 | | TxVerify | [.cross_chain.TxVerifyRequest](#cross_chain-TxVerifyRequest) | [.cross_chain.TxVerifyResponse](#cross_chain-TxVerifyResponse) | rpc交易验证,不是非要在当前服务中实现 | | CrossChainEvent | [.cross_chain.CrossChainEventRequest](#cross_chain-CrossChainEventRequest) | [.cross_chain.CrossChainEventResponse](#cross_chain-CrossChainEventResponse) | 跨链触发器管理 | | ChainIdentity | [.cross_chain.ChainIdentityRequest](#cross_chain-ChainIdentityRequest) | [.cross_chain.ChainIdentityResponse](#cross_chain-ChainIdentityResponse) | 链身份管理 | | PingPong | [.google.protobuf.Empty](#google-protobuf-Empty) | [.cross_chain.PingPongResponse](#cross_chain-PingPongResponse) | 心跳检测 |


## api/rpc_relay_chain.proto Copyright (C) THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company. All rights reserved. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 ### RpcRelayChain 中继网关api | Method Name | Request Type | Response Type | Description | | ----------- | ------------ | ------------- | ------------| | SyncBlockHeader | [.relay_chain.SyncBlockHeaderRequest](#relay_chain-SyncBlockHeaderRequest) | [.relay_chain.SyncBlockHeaderResponse](#relay_chain-SyncBlockHeaderResponse) | 同步区块头 | | BeginCrossChain | [.relay_chain.BeginCrossChainRequest](#relay_chain-BeginCrossChainRequest) | [.relay_chain.BeginCrossChainResponse](#relay_chain-BeginCrossChainResponse) | 接收跨链请求 | | GatewayRegister | [.relay_chain.GatewayRegisterRequest](#relay_chain-GatewayRegisterRequest) | [.relay_chain.GatewayRegisterResponse](#relay_chain-GatewayRegisterResponse) | 网关注册 | | GatewayUpdate | [.relay_chain.GatewayUpdateRequest](#relay_chain-GatewayUpdateRequest) | [.relay_chain.GatewayUpdateResponse](#relay_chain-GatewayUpdateResponse) | 网关信息更新 | | InitContract | [.relay_chain.InitContractRequest](#relay_chain-InitContractRequest) | [.relay_chain.InitContractResponse](#relay_chain-InitContractResponse) | 用于具有同步区块头、交易验证功能的spv合约的创建 | | UpdateContract | [.relay_chain.UpdateContractRequest](#relay_chain-UpdateContractRequest) | [.relay_chain.UpdateContractResponse](#relay_chain-UpdateContractResponse) | 用于具有同步区块头、交易验证功能的spv合约的更新 | | QueryGateway | [.relay_chain.QueryGatewayRequest](#relay_chain-QueryGatewayRequest) | [.relay_chain.QueryGatewayResponse](#relay_chain-QueryGatewayResponse) | 网关信息查询 | | QueryCrossChain | [.relay_chain.QueryCrossChainRequest](#relay_chain-QueryCrossChainRequest) | [.relay_chain.QueryCrossChainResponse](#relay_chain-QueryCrossChainResponse) | 跨链信息查询,暂不支持通过业务链交易id查询跨链交易,用户需要自行维护业务链的交易id与跨链交易id的映射关系 |


## common/common.proto Copyright (C) THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company. All rights reserved. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 ### BcosConfig bcos配置信息 | Field | Type | Label | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------- | | chain_rid | [string](#string) | | 链资源Id | | ca | [string](#string) | | ca | | tls_key | [string](#string) | | key | | tls_cert | [string](#string) | | cert | | private_key | [string](#string) | | private key | | group_id | [string](#string) | | group id | | address | [string](#string) | | 地址 | | chain_id | [int64](#int64) | | chain id | | http | [bool](#bool) | | http | | is_sm_crypto | [bool](#bool) | | sm | | state | [bool](#bool) | | 状态,由网关设置用户不需要关系 | | state_message | [string](#string) | | 状态描述,由网关设置,状态为true,此处是成功信息,状态为false,此处有错误信息 | ### CancelInfo cancel数据 | Field | Type | Label | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------- | | chain_rid | [string](#string) | | 链资源Id | | contract_name | [string](#string) | | 合约名称 | | method | [string](#string) | | 合约方法名称 | | parameter | [string](#string) | | 合约参数,json字符串,chainmaker为kv string json字符串,fabric为[]string json字符串,bcos为[]string json字符串 QUERY类型的跨链交易回调源网关的时候,失败不需要回写,不需要“TRY_RESULT”占位符,编写合约的时候需要注意参数设置 | | param_data | [int32](#int32) | repeated | 参数数据在eventData数组中的索引,基于该字段生成的数组将被使用fmt.Sprintf方法与parameter参数共同组成目标合约参数,只用于交易触发模版 eventData是合约事件的具体内容生成的数组,chainmaker为具体的事件内容数组,fabric为具体时间内容经过string、map[string]string、[]string处理之后生成的数组 | | param_data_type | [EventDataType](#common-EventDataType) | repeated | bcos 需要指定每个参数的类型,QUERY类型的跨链交易失败不需要回写,不需要添加try_result的类型 | | extra_data | [string](#string) | | 扩展参数 | | abi | [string](#string) | | bcos abi | ### ChainmakerConfig chainmaker配置信息 | Field | Type | Label | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------- | | chain_rid | [string](#string) | | 链资源Id | | chain_id | [string](#string) | | 链Id | | org_id | [string](#string) | | 组织id | | sign_cert | [string](#string) | | 签名证书 | | sign_key | [string](#string) | | 签名私钥 | | tls_cert | [string](#string) | | tls证书 | | tls_key | [string](#string) | | tls私钥 | | auth_type | [string](#string) | | chainmaker证书模式,保留字段,先支持证书模式,后续再支持其他模式 | | node | [Node](#common-Node) | repeated | 节点 | | pkcs11 | [Pkcs11](#common-Pkcs11) | | pkcs11 保留字段,先支持证书模式,后续再支持其他模式 | | state | [bool](#bool) | | 状态,由网关设置用户不需要关心 | | state_message | [string](#string) | | 状态描述,由网关设置,状态为true,此处是成功信息,状态为false,此处有错误信息 | ### ConfirmInfo confirm数据 | Field | Type | Label | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------- | | chain_rid | [string](#string) | | 链资源Id | | contract_name | [string](#string) | | 合约名称 | | method | [string](#string) | | 合约方法名称 | | parameter | [string](#string) | | 合约参数,json字符串,chainmaker为kv string json字符串,fabric为[]string json字符串,bcos为[]string json字符串 QUERY类型的跨链交易回调源网关的时候,添加“TRY_RESULT”占位符会将跨链交易的目标链返回值按照发起顺序替换掉,其他confirm流程不会触发,如"{\"key\":\"%s\",\"value\":\"TRY_RESULT\""}"或"[\"%s\","TRY_RESULT"]" 占位符数量要和跨链交易数量相同,新建跨链event的时候会进行检测 | | param_data | [int32](#int32) | repeated | 参数数据在eventData数组中的索引,基于该字段生成的数组将被使用fmt.Sprintf方法与parameter参数共同组成目标合约参数,只用于交易触发模版 eventData是合约事件的具体内容生成的数组,chainmaker为具体的事件内容,fabric为具体时间内容经过string、map[string]string、[]string处理之后生成的数组 | | param_data_type | [EventDataType](#common-EventDataType) | repeated | bcos 需要指定每个参数的类型,QUERY类型的跨链交易会将try_result值附加在后面,需要加上try_result的类型,合约的编写的时候需要注意参数设置 | | extra_data | [string](#string) | | 扩展参数 | | abi | [string](#string) | | bcos abi,只有bcos需要 | ### ContractKeyValuePair 合约参数,k-v键值对 | Field | Type | Label | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------- | | key | [string](#string) | | 键 | | value | [bytes](#bytes) | | 值 | ### CrossChainConfirm 各网关确认结果 | Field | Type | Label | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------- | | code | [Code](#common-Code) | | 执行结果code | | message | [string](#string) | | 返回消息内容 | ### CrossChainConfirmUpChain 网关确认结果上链对象 | Field | Type | Label | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------- | | index | [int32](#int32) | | 确认的索引 | | cross_chain_confirm | [CrossChainConfirm](#common-CrossChainConfirm) | | 确认结果 | ### CrossChainEvent 跨链触发器 | Field | Type | Label | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------- | | cross_chain_event_id | [string](#string) | | 唯一ID,组成为“event_name#contract_name#chain_rid”,不需要用户设置 | | chain_rid | [string](#string) | | chain_rid链资源id | | contract_name | [string](#string) | | 合约名称, bcos为地址 | | cross_chain_name | [string](#string) | | 跨链名称 | | cross_chain_flag | [string](#string) | | 跨链标记 | | trigger_condition | [TriggerCondition](#common-TriggerCondition) | | 触发方式 | | event_name | [string](#string) | | 事件名称, bcos为event,如 SetState(uint256,string) | | fabric_event_data_type | [EventDataType](#common-EventDataType) | | fabric事件数据类型,只支持string、map、array string类型会生成只有一个元素的eventData数组 map类型会按照map[string]string反序列化,生成和MapEventDataType中key值对应顺序的eventData数组 array会按照[]string反序列化 | | fabric_map_event_data_type | [MapEventDataType](#common-MapEventDataType) | repeated | fabric map事件数据类型,key的填写顺序会映射为eventData数组,跨链消息中的所有param_data字段需要填写为该数组字段的索引 | | fabric_array_event_data_type | [EventDataType](#common-EventDataType) | repeated | fabric array事件数据类型, | | chainmaker_event_data_type | [EventDataType](#common-EventDataType) | repeated | chainmaker事件数据类型,eventData数组即事件的数组 | | bcos_event_data_type | [EventDataType](#common-EventDataType) | repeated | fisco bcos 事件数据类型,这里会将topic中的数据一并计算进去,并且由topic的数据开头,生成eventData数组 | | abi | [string](#string) | repeated | fisco bcos 事件abi,即事件中每个参数的abi,这里写错会导致网关无法接些event的具体内容 | | is_cross_chain | [string](#string) | | 是否为跨链交易,bcos、chainmaker、fabirc eventData数组的字段名称需要写成 "zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine", "ten"这种形式,目前只支持到10,扩展只需要简单的修改代码即可 map的字段名称照实写就可以了 例如 "one == \"lockaddress\"" bcos地址如果类型写为address,请务必实测fisco bcos go sdk监听到的具体字符串之后再填写 (判断字符串,参考https://github.com/Knetic/govaluate) | | confirm_info | [ConfirmInfo](#common-ConfirmInfo) | | 作为标识,中继网关向跨链网关发送确认操作 | | cancel_info | [CancelInfo](#common-CancelInfo) | | 作为标识,中继网关向跨链网关发送取消操作 | | cross_chain_create | [CrossChainMsg](#common-CrossChainMsg) | repeated | 目标网关id | | timeout | [int64](#int64) | | 超时时间 s | | cross_type | [CrossType](#common-CrossType) | | 跨链类型 | | state | [bool](#bool) | | 状态,由网关设置用户不需要关心 | | state_message | [string](#string) | | 状态描述,由网关设置,状态为true,此处是成功信息,状态为false,此处有错误信息 | ### CrossChainInfo 跨链信息在链上的存储结构 | Field | Type | Label | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------- | | cross_chain_id | [string](#string) | | 跨链Id | | cross_chain_name | [string](#string) | | 跨链名称 | | cross_chain_flag | [string](#string) | | 跨链标记 | | from | [string](#string) | | 发起跨链网关的id | | cross_chain_msg | [CrossChainMsg](#common-CrossChainMsg) | repeated | 跨链信息具体内容,该数组的下标和cross_chain_tx_content/gateway_confirm_result一一对应 | | first_tx_content | [TxContentWithVerify](#common-TxContentWithVerify) | | 跨链首笔交易内容 | | cross_chain_tx_content | [TxContentWithVerify](#common-TxContentWithVerify) | repeated | 跨链交易的内容,包含各网关的交易结果 | | cross_chain_result | [bool](#bool) | | 跨链结果 | | gateway_confirm_result | [CrossChainConfirm](#common-CrossChainConfirm) | repeated | 各网关确认结果 | | state | [CrossChainStateValue](#common-CrossChainStateValue) | | 跨链状态 | | confirm_info | [ConfirmInfo](#common-ConfirmInfo) | | 源网关confirm数据,作为标识,中继网关向跨链网关发送确认操作 | | cancel_info | [CancelInfo](#common-CancelInfo) | | 源网关cancel数据,作为标识,中继网关向跨链网关发送取消操作 | | confirm_result | [CrossChainConfirm](#common-CrossChainConfirm) | | 源网关确认结果 | | timeout | [int64](#int64) | | 超时时间 s | | cross_type | [CrossType](#common-CrossType) | | 跨链类型 | ### CrossChainMsg | Field | Type | Label | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------- | | gateway_id | [string](#string) | | 目标网关Id | | chain_rid | [string](#string) | | 目标链资源id | | contract_name | [string](#string) | | 目标链合约名称 | | method | [string](#string) | | 目标合约方法名称 | | identity | [string](#string) | repeated | 签名身份Id | | parameter | [string](#string) | | 目标合约参数,json字符串,chainmaker为kv string json字符串,fabric为array string json字符串,bcos为array string json字符串 | | param_data | [int32](#int32) | repeated | 参数数据在eventData数组中的索引,基于该字段生成的数组将被使用fmt.Sprintf方法与parameter参数共同组成目标合约参数,只用于交易触发模版 eventData是合约事件的具体内容生成的数组,chainmaker为具体的事件内容,fabric为具体时间内容经过string、map[string]string、[]string处理之后生成的数组 | | param_data_type | [EventDataType](#common-EventDataType) | repeated | bcos 需要指定每个参数的类型,其他不需要 | | extra_data | [string](#string) | | 扩展数据,由发起网关和目标网关商定,中继网关只负责传输 | | confirm_info | [ConfirmInfo](#common-ConfirmInfo) | | QUERY类型指定无效,作为标识,中继网关向跨链网关发送确认操作 | | cancel_info | [CancelInfo](#common-CancelInfo) | | QUERY类型指定无效, 作为标识,中继网关向跨链网关发送取消操作 | | abi | [string](#string) | | bcos abi,只有bcos需要 | ### CrossChainTxUpChain 网关交易结果上链对象 | Field | Type | Label | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------- | | index | [int32](#int32) | | 确认的索引 | | tx_content_with_verify | [TxContentWithVerify](#common-TxContentWithVerify) | | 交易结果 | ### FabricConfig fabric配置信息 | Field | Type | Label | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------- | | chain_rid | [string](#string) | | 链资源Id | | chain_id | [string](#string) | | 链Id | | org | [Org](#common-Org) | repeated | 组织 | | tls_cert | [string](#string) | | tls证书 | | tls_key | [string](#string) | | tls私钥 | | orderers | [Orderer](#common-Orderer) | repeated | orderer节点 | | state | [bool](#bool) | | 状态,由网关设置用户不需要关系 | | state_message | [string](#string) | | 状态描述,由网关设置,状态为true,此处是成功信息,状态为false,此处有错误信息 | ### GatewayInfo 网关信息 | Field | Type | Label | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------- | | gateway_id | [string](#string) | | 网关id,注册的时候不需要写,由中继网关生成,保证唯一性 | | gateway_name | [string](#string) | | 网关名称,客户自定义,也可以没有,只是一个标记,没有实际意义 | | address | [string](#string) | | 网关地址 | | server_name | [string](#string) | | 网关的servername | | tlsca | [string](#string) | | 网关tlsca证书 | | client_cert | [string](#string) | | 网关客户端证书 | | to_gateway_list | [string](#string) | repeated | 允许向哪些网关发起跨链请求,空表示不作限制 | | from_gateway_list | [string](#string) | repeated | 允许哪些网关向它发起跨链请求,空表示不作限制 | | tx_verify_type | [TxVerifyType](#common-TxVerifyType) | | 交易验证类型 | | TxVerifyInterface | [TxVerifyInterface](#common-TxVerifyInterface) | | 交易验证接口,先支持restful | | call_type | [CallType](#common-CallType) | | 调用类型 | | relay_chain_id | [string](#string) | | 该跨链网关在注册于哪个中继网关 | ### MapEventDataType map类型的事件类型 | Field | Type | Label | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------- | | key | [string](#string) | | key | | data_type | [EventDataType](#common-EventDataType) | | 数据类型 | ### Node chainmaker节点信息 | Field | Type | Label | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------- | | node_addr | [string](#string) | | 节点地址 | | conn_cnt | [int32](#int32) | | 连接池大小 | | enable_tls | [bool](#bool) | | 是否开启tls | | trust_root | [string](#string) | repeated | trust_root_paths | | tls_host_name | [string](#string) | | tls_host_name | ### Orderer fabric orderer 节点信息 | Field | Type | Label | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------- | | node_addr | [string](#string) | | 节点地址 | | trust_root | [string](#string) | repeated | trust_root_paths | | tls_host_name | [string](#string) | | tls_host_name | ### Org fabric org 信息 | Field | Type | Label | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------- | | org_id | [string](#string) | | org id | | msp_id | [string](#string) | | mspId | | sign_cert | [string](#string) | | 签名证书 | | sign_key | [string](#string) | | 签名私钥 | | peers | [Peer](#common-Peer) | repeated | peer节点 | ### PageInfo 分页信息 | Field | Type | Label | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------- | | page_size | [uint64](#uint64) | | 每页多少数据 | | page_number | [uint64](#uint64) | | 第几页 | | total_count | [uint64](#uint64) | | 总共有多少数据 | | limit | [uint64](#uint64) | | 总共有多少页 | ### Peer fabric peer 节点信息 | Field | Type | Label | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------- | | node_addr | [string](#string) | | 节点地址 | | trust_root | [string](#string) | repeated | trust_root_paths | | tls_host_name | [string](#string) | | tls_host_name | ### Pkcs11 pkcs11 密码机相关 | Field | Type | Label | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------- | | enable | [bool](#bool) | | 是否开启,现在一律关闭不做处理 | ### TxContent 交易内容 | Field | Type | Label | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------- | | tx_id | [string](#string) | | 交易id | | tx | [bytes](#bytes) | | 交易实际内容,json字符串 | | tx_result | [TxResultValue](#common-TxResultValue) | | 交易执行结果 | | gateway_id | [string](#string) | | 执行该交易的网关Id | | chain_rid | [string](#string) | | 执行该交易的链资源Id | | tx_prove | [string](#string) | | json字符串,这里是验证的参数,不管什么认证方式都会直接传给spv或者认证接口 | | block_height | [int64](#int64) | | 在哪个块中 | ### TxContentWithVerify 交易内容,包括验证结果 | Field | Type | Label | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------- | | tx_content | [TxContent](#common-TxContent) | | 交易的具体结果和内容 | | try_result | [string](#string) | repeated | try result | | tx_verify_result | [TxVerifyRsult](#common-TxVerifyRsult) | | 中继网关对交易的认证结果 | ### TxVerifyInterface 交易验证接口,先支持restful | Field | Type | Label | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------- | | address | [string](#string) | | address,如,不需要写http或者https, | | tls_enable | [bool](#bool) | | 是否开启tls | | tlsca | [string](#string) | | 交易验证接口tlsca证书 | | client_cert | [string](#string) | | 交易验证接口客户端证书 | | host_name | [string](#string) | | 服务名 | ### CallType 网关调用类型 | Name | Number | Description | | ---- | ------ | ----------- | | REST | 0 | restful接口方式 | | GRPC | 1 | grpc方式 | ### ChainmakerRuntimeType 合约运行时 | Name | Number | Description | | ---- | ------ | ----------- | | INVALID | 0 | 无效的 | | NATIVE | 1 | 长安链内部系统合约 | | WASMER | 2 | vm-wasmer, language-c++ | | WXVM | 3 | vm-wxvm, language-cpp | | GASM | 4 | wasm, tinygo | | EVM | 5 | vm-evm | | DOCKER_GO | 6 | vm-docker, go语言 | | DOCKER_JAVA | 7 | vm-docker, java语言 | ### Code | Name | Number | Description | | ---- | ------ | ----------- | | GATEWAY_SUCCESS | 0 | 网关返回成功 | | GATEWAY_TIMEOUT | 1 | 网关超时 | | INVALID_PARAMETER | 2 | 参数无效 | | TX_PROVE_ERROR | 3 | 交易认证失败 | | CONTRACT_FAIL | 4 | 合约执行失败 | | INTERNAL_ERROR | 5 | 内部错误 | | RELAY_CHAIN_ERROR | 6 | 中继链错误 | ### CrossChainStateValue 跨链状态 | Name | Number | Description | | ---- | ------ | ----------- | | NEW | 0 | 新建 | | WAIT_EXECUTE | 1 | 待执行 | | WAIT_CONFIRM | 2 | 待提交 | | CONFIRM_END | 3 | 确认结束 | | CANCEL_END | 4 | 回滚结束 | ### CrossType | Name | Number | Description | | ---- | ------ | ----------- | | QUERY | 0 | 跨链查询 | | INVOKE | 1 | 跨链交易 | ### EventDataType 事件数据类型 | Name | Number | Description | | ---- | ------ | ----------- | | STRING | 0 | string | | MAP | 1 | map | | BYTE | 2 | byte | | BOOL | 3 | BOOL | | INT | 4 | int | | FLOAT | 5 | float | | ARRAY | 6 | 数组 | | HASH | 7 | hash, bcos专用 | | ADDRESS | 8 | ADDRESS, bcos专用 | ### EventName | Name | Number | Description | | ---- | ------ | ----------- | | NEW_CROSS_CHAIN | 0 | new | | CROSS_CHAIN_TRY_END | 1 | try end | | UPADATE_RESULT_END | 2 | 跨链结果更新完成 | | GATEWAY_CONFIRM_END | 3 | 提交完成 | | SRC_GATEWAY_CONFIRM_END | 4 | 源网关提交完成 | ### Operate 跨链事件管理操作 | Name | Number | Description | | ---- | ------ | ----------- | | SAVE | 0 | 新建 | | UPDATE | 1 | 更新 | | DELETE | 2 | 删除 | | GET | 3 | 获取 | ### TriggerCondition 跨链触发方式 | Name | Number | Description | | ---- | ------ | ----------- | | COMPLETELY_CONTRACT_EVENT | 0 | 完全用户合约事件触发,用户需要将relaye_chain.BeginCrossChainRequest结构自行在合约中组装,通过pb序列化后base64编码用事件发送出来(包含跨链数据,不需要其他信息) chainmaker为事件数组第一个,fabric为数组payload,bcos为事件第一个参数 | | CONTRACT_EVENT | 1 | 用户合约事件触发(不包含跨链数据,需要跨链触发器提供其他信息) | | TBIS_CONTRACT | 2 | TBIS协议合约适配 | ### TryResult | Name | Number | Description | | ---- | ------ | ----------- | | TRY_RESULT | 0 | try reult,该字段的名称在参数字段中为目标链的返回值占位 | ### TxResultValue tx执行结果 | Name | Number | Description | | ---- | ------ | ----------- | | TX_SUCCESS | 0 | 交易执行成功 | | TX_TIMEOUT | 1 | 交易超时 | | TX_FAIL | 2 | 交易失败 | | TX_NOT_EXIST | 3 | 交易不存在 | | TX_NO_PERMISSIONS | 4 | 交易权限不足 | | GATEWAY_NOT_FOUND | 5 | 网关不存在 | | GATEWAY_PINGPONG_ERROR | 6 | 目标网关验活错误 | | CHAIN_PING_ERROR | 7 | 目标链验活错误 | | SRC_GATEWAY_GET_ERROR | 8 | 源网关获取失败 | ### TxVerifyRsult 中继网关对交易的认证结果 | Name | Number | Description | | ---- | ------ | ----------- | | VERIFY_SUCCESS | 0 | 认证成功 | | VERIFY_INVALID | 1 | 认证失败 | | VERIFY_NOT_NEED | 2 | 不需要认证 | ### TxVerifyType | Name | Number | Description | | ---- | ------ | ----------- | | SPV | 0 | spv方式认证 | | RPC_INTERFACE | 1 | rpc接口认证 | | NOT_NEED | 2 | 不需要认证 | ### Version 版本号 | Name | Number | Description | | ---- | ------ | ----------- | | V1_0_0 | 0 | v1.0.0 |


## common/cross_chain/request.proto Copyright (C) THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company. All rights reserved. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 ### ChainIdentityRequest 链配置管理 | Field | Type | Label | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------- | | version | [common.Version](#common-Version) | | 请求消息版本 | | operate | [common.Operate](#common-Operate) | | 操作 | | chainmaker_config | [common.ChainmakerConfig](#common-ChainmakerConfig) | | chainmaker配置,chainmaker网关专属 | | fabric_config | [common.FabricConfig](#common-FabricConfig) | | fabric配置,fabric网关专属 | | bcos_config | [common.BcosConfig](#common-BcosConfig) | | bcos配置,bcos网关专属 | ### CrossChainCancelRequest 跨链结果确认 | Field | Type | Label | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------- | | version | [common.Version](#common-Version) | | 请求消息版本 | | cross_chain_id | [string](#string) | | 跨链Id | | cross_chain_name | [string](#string) | | 跨链名称 | | cross_chain_flag | [string](#string) | | 跨链标记 | | cancel_info | [common.CancelInfo](#common-CancelInfo) | | cancel数据 | ### CrossChainConfirmRequest 跨链结果确认 | Field | Type | Label | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------- | | version | [common.Version](#common-Version) | | 请求消息版本 | | cross_chain_id | [string](#string) | | 跨链Id | | cross_chain_name | [string](#string) | | 跨链名称 | | cross_chain_flag | [string](#string) | | 跨链标记 | | confirm_info | [common.ConfirmInfo](#common-ConfirmInfo) | | confirm数据 | | try_result | [string](#string) | repeated | try_result | | cross_type | [common.CrossType](#common-CrossType) | | 跨链类型 | ### CrossChainEventRequest 跨链事件管理请求 | Field | Type | Label | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------- | | version | [common.Version](#common-Version) | | 请求消息版本 | | operate | [common.Operate](#common-Operate) | | 操作 | | cross_chain_event | [common.CrossChainEvent](#common-CrossChainEvent) | | 具体内容 | ### CrossChainTryRequest 中继网关向跨链网关发起跨链请求的消息 | Field | Type | Label | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------- | | version | [common.Version](#common-Version) | | 请求消息版本 | | cross_chain_id | [string](#string) | | 跨链Id | | cross_chain_name | [string](#string) | | 跨链名称 | | cross_chain_flag | [string](#string) | | 跨链标记 | | cross_chain_msg | [common.CrossChainMsg](#common-CrossChainMsg) | | 跨链信息 | | tx_content | [common.TxContentWithVerify](#common-TxContentWithVerify) | | 跨链首笔交易内容 | | from | [string](#string) | | 发起跨链网关的id | ### IsCrossChainSuccessRequest 判断跨链结果 | Field | Type | Label | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------- | | version | [common.Version](#common-Version) | | 请求消息版本 | | cross_chain_id | [string](#string) | | 跨链Id | | cross_chain_name | [string](#string) | | 跨链名称 | | cross_chain_flag | [string](#string) | | 跨链标记 | | tx_content | [common.TxContentWithVerify](#common-TxContentWithVerify) | repeated | 每个网关执行跨链交易的结果 | ### TxVerifyRequest 交易验证请求 | Field | Type | Label | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------- | | version | [common.Version](#common-Version) | | 请求消息版本 | | tx_prove | [string](#string) | | 证明内容,json字符串,这里要和TxContent中的tx_prove字段对应 |


## common/cross_chain/response.proto Copyright (C) THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company. All rights reserved. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 ### ChainIdentityResponse | Field | Type | Label | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------- | | code | [common.Code](#common-Code) | | 执行结果code | | message | [string](#string) | | 返回消息内容 | | chainmaker_config | [common.ChainmakerConfig](#common-ChainmakerConfig) | repeated | chainmaker 配置列表 | | fabric_config | [common.FabricConfig](#common-FabricConfig) | repeated | fabric 配置列表 | | bcos_config | [common.BcosConfig](#common-BcosConfig) | repeated | bcos 配置列表 | ### CrossChainCancelResponse 跨链结果确认 | Field | Type | Label | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------- | | tx_content | [common.TxContent](#common-TxContent) | | 交易详情,可选,不验证 | | code | [common.Code](#common-Code) | | 执行结果code | | message | [string](#string) | | 返回消息内容 | ### CrossChainConfirmResponse 跨链结果确认 | Field | Type | Label | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------- | | tx_content | [common.TxContent](#common-TxContent) | | 交易详情,可选,不验证 | | code | [common.Code](#common-Code) | | 执行结果code | | message | [string](#string) | | 返回消息内容 | ### CrossChainEventResponse 跨链事件管理返回 | Field | Type | Label | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------- | | code | [common.Code](#common-Code) | | 执行结果code | | message | [string](#string) | | 返回消息内容 | | cross_chain_event_list | [common.CrossChainEvent](#common-CrossChainEvent) | repeated | 事件列表 | ### CrossChainTryResponse 中继网关向跨链网关发起跨链请求回复 | Field | Type | Label | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------- | | cross_chain_id | [string](#string) | | 跨链Id | | cross_chain_name | [string](#string) | | 跨链名称 | | cross_chain_flag | [string](#string) | | 跨链标记 | | tx_content | [common.TxContent](#common-TxContent) | | 跨链交易内容 | | try_result | [string](#string) | repeated | 跨链交易结果 | | code | [common.Code](#common-Code) | | 执行结果code | | message | [string](#string) | | 返回消息内容 | ### IsCrossChainSuccessResponse 判断跨链结果 | Field | Type | Label | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------- | | cross_chain_result | [bool](#bool) | | 跨链结果 | | code | [common.Code](#common-Code) | | 执行结果code | | message | [string](#string) | | 返回消息内容 | ### PingPongResponse pingpong返回 | Field | Type | Label | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------- | | chain_ok | [bool](#bool) | | 链是否正常 | ### TxVerifyResponse 交易验证结果 | Field | Type | Label | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------- | | tx_verify_result | [bool](#bool) | | 交易验证结果 | | code | [common.Code](#common-Code) | | 执行结果code | | message | [string](#string) | | 返回消息内容 |


## common/relay_chain/request.proto Copyright (C) THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company. All rights reserved. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 ### BeginCrossChainRequest 跨链网关向中继网关发送跨链请求 | Field | Type | Label | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------- | | version | [common.Version](#common-Version) | | 请求消息版本 | | cross_chain_id | [string](#string) | | 跨链Id,可以由网关生成 | | cross_chain_name | [string](#string) | | 跨链名称 | | cross_chain_flag | [string](#string) | | 跨链标记 | | cross_chain_msg | [common.CrossChainMsg](#common-CrossChainMsg) | repeated | 跨链信息 | | tx_content | [common.TxContent](#common-TxContent) | | 跨链首笔交易内容 | | from | [string](#string) | | 发起跨链网关的id | | timeout | [int64](#int64) | | timeout, s | | confirm_info | [common.ConfirmInfo](#common-ConfirmInfo) | | confirm数据 | | cancel_info | [common.CancelInfo](#common-CancelInfo) | | cancel数据 | | cross_type | [common.CrossType](#common-CrossType) | | 跨链类型 | ### GatewayRegisterRequest 网关注册 | Field | Type | Label | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------- | | version | [common.Version](#common-Version) | | 请求消息版本 | | gateway_info | [common.GatewayInfo](#common-GatewayInfo) | | 网关信息 | ### GatewayUpdateRequest 网关更新 | Field | Type | Label | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------- | | version | [common.Version](#common-Version) | | 请求消息版本 | | gateway_info | [common.GatewayInfo](#common-GatewayInfo) | | 网关信息 | ### InitContractRequest 创建具有同步区块头、交易验证功能的spv合约的请求 | Field | Type | Label | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------- | | version | [common.Version](#common-Version) | | 请求消息版本 | | contract_name | [string](#string) | | 合约名,spv合约参数和名称是固定好的,不需要传,格式为"spv[gatewayId][chainRid]" | | contract_version | [string](#string) | | 版本号 | | byte_code | [bytes](#bytes) | | bytecode base64 | | runtime_type | [common.ChainmakerRuntimeType](#common-ChainmakerRuntimeType) | | runtimeType | | key_value_pairs | [common.ContractKeyValuePair](#common-ContractKeyValuePair) | repeated | 初始化参数 | | gateway_id | [string](#string) | | 网关id | | chain_rid | [string](#string) | | 链资源id | ### QueryCrossChainRequest 查询跨链信息 | Field | Type | Label | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------- | | version | [common.Version](#common-Version) | | 请求消息版本 | | cross_chain_id | [string](#string) | | 跨链id(可选) | | page_size | [uint64](#uint64) | | 每页多少数据(可选) | | page_number | [uint64](#uint64) | | 第几页(可选) | ### QueryGatewayRequest 查询网关信息 | Field | Type | Label | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------- | | version | [common.Version](#common-Version) | | 请求消息版本 | | gateway_id | [string](#string) | | 网关id(可选) | | page_size | [uint64](#uint64) | | 每页多少数据(可选) | | page_number | [uint64](#uint64) | | 第几页(可选) | ### SyncBlockHeaderRequest 向中继网关发送同步区块请求 | Field | Type | Label | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------- | | version | [common.Version](#common-Version) | | 请求消息版本 | | gateway_id | [string](#string) | | 区块头与网关Id | | chain_rid | [string](#string) | | 链id | | block_height | [uint64](#uint64) | | 区块高度 | | block_header | [bytes](#bytes) | | 区块头内容 | ### UpdateContractRequest 更新具有同步区块头、交易验证功能的spv合约的请求 | Field | Type | Label | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------- | | version | [common.Version](#common-Version) | | 请求消息版本 | | contract_name | [string](#string) | | 合约名 | | contract_version | [string](#string) | | 版本号 | | byte_code | [bytes](#bytes) | | bytecode | | runtime_type | [common.ChainmakerRuntimeType](#common-ChainmakerRuntimeType) | | runtimeType | | key_value_pairs | [common.ContractKeyValuePair](#common-ContractKeyValuePair) | repeated | 初始化参数 | | gateway_id | [string](#string) | | 网关id | | chain_rid | [string](#string) | | 链资源id |


## common/relay_chain/response.proto Copyright (C) THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company. All rights reserved. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 ### BeginCrossChainResponse 跨链网关向中继网关发送跨链请求返回 | Field | Type | Label | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------- | | code | [common.Code](#common-Code) | | 执行结果code | | cross_chain_id | [string](#string) | | 跨链Id | | message | [string](#string) | | 返回消息内容 | ### GatewayRegisterResponse 网关注册 | Field | Type | Label | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------- | | code | [common.Code](#common-Code) | | 执行结果code | | gateway_id | [string](#string) | | 跨链网关Id | | message | [string](#string) | | 返回消息内容 | ### GatewayUpdateResponse 网关更新 | Field | Type | Label | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------- | | code | [common.Code](#common-Code) | | 执行结果code | | gateway_id | [string](#string) | | 跨链Id | | message | [string](#string) | | 返回消息内容 | ### InitContractResponse 安装区块头同步和spv验证合约 | Field | Type | Label | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------- | | code | [common.Code](#common-Code) | | 执行结果code | | message | [string](#string) | | 返回消息内容 | ### QueryCrossChainResponse 查询跨链信息 | Field | Type | Label | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------- | | cross_chain_info | [common.CrossChainInfo](#common-CrossChainInfo) | repeated | 跨链信息列表 | | page_info | [common.PageInfo](#common-PageInfo) | | 分页信息 | | code | [common.Code](#common-Code) | | 执行结果code | | message | [string](#string) | | 返回消息内容 | ### QueryGatewayResponse 查询网关信息 | Field | Type | Label | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------- | | gateway_info | [common.GatewayInfo](#common-GatewayInfo) | repeated | 网关信息列表 | | page_info | [common.PageInfo](#common-PageInfo) | | 分页信息 | | code | [common.Code](#common-Code) | | 执行结果code | | message | [string](#string) | | 返回消息内容 | ### SyncBlockHeaderResponse 向中继网关发送同步区块请求返回 | Field | Type | Label | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------- | | code | [common.Code](#common-Code) | | 执行结果code | | message | [string](#string) | | 返回消息内容 | ### UpdateContractResponse 升级区块头同步和spv验证合约 | Field | Type | Label | Description | | ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------- | | code | [common.Code](#common-Code) | | 执行结果code | | message | [string](#string) | | 返回消息内容 | ## Scalar Value Types | .proto Type | Notes | C++ | Java | Python | Go | C# | PHP | Ruby | | ----------- | ----- | --- | ---- | ------ | -- | -- | --- | ---- | | double | | double | double | float | float64 | double | float | Float | | float | | float | float | float | float32 | float | float | Float | | int32 | Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers – if your field is likely to have negative values, use sint32 instead. | int32 | int | int | int32 | int | integer | Bignum or Fixnum (as required) | | int64 | Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers – if your field is likely to have negative values, use sint64 instead. | int64 | long | int/long | int64 | long | integer/string | Bignum | | uint32 | Uses variable-length encoding. | uint32 | int | int/long | uint32 | uint | integer | Bignum or Fixnum (as required) | | uint64 | Uses variable-length encoding. | uint64 | long | int/long | uint64 | ulong | integer/string | Bignum or Fixnum (as required) | | sint32 | Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than regular int32s. | int32 | int | int | int32 | int | integer | Bignum or Fixnum (as required) | | sint64 | Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than regular int64s. | int64 | long | int/long | int64 | long | integer/string | Bignum | | fixed32 | Always four bytes. More efficient than uint32 if values are often greater than 2^28. | uint32 | int | int | uint32 | uint | integer | Bignum or Fixnum (as required) | | fixed64 | Always eight bytes. More efficient than uint64 if values are often greater than 2^56. | uint64 | long | int/long | uint64 | ulong | integer/string | Bignum | | sfixed32 | Always four bytes. | int32 | int | int | int32 | int | integer | Bignum or Fixnum (as required) | | sfixed64 | Always eight bytes. | int64 | long | int/long | int64 | long | integer/string | Bignum | | bool | | bool | boolean | boolean | bool | bool | boolean | TrueClass/FalseClass | | string | A string must always contain UTF-8 encoded or 7-bit ASCII text. | string | String | str/unicode | string | string | string | String (UTF-8) | | bytes | May contain any arbitrary sequence of bytes. | string | ByteString | str | []byte | ByteString | string | String (ASCII-8BIT) |