# 密钥管理系统KMS 密钥管理系统KMS(Key Management Service,KMS)是一款密钥管理和数据加密服务平台,功能类似硬件加密机,可以让您轻松创建和安全管理密钥, 符合监管和合规要求。 长安链支持KMS的接入,能够提供更加安全的节点私钥、用户端私钥保护能力。 ## 整体设计 为了保证不强制绑定特定厂商KMS,设计上采用KMS插件方式来接入不同厂商的KMS,对上层提供加密、签名以及私钥保护的能力。 **长安链支持KMS整体设计**: - KMS提供商:厂商提供,一般通过http协议对外提供密码服务。 - 适配层:提供KMS适配层,用来屏蔽不同厂商KMS实现上的差异,方便接入 - 工具层:为了上层应用方便调用底层密码接口,工具层对KMS密钥结构进行了封装,并提供了封装/解析功能;同时提供了生成数字证书的功能。 - 应用层:长安链在证书生成工具、节点共识投票、交易签名等应用组件上都对KMS进行了支持。 ### 适配层 为了支持不同厂商KMS系统,长安链根据上层应用需要的密码功能,设计了一套适配器接口`IKMSAdapter`, 不同厂商KMS实现差异 通过适配器插件的方式封装在适配层,供上层统一调用, 包括KMS连接初始化、密码服务调用等。 IKMSAdapter接口定义如下: ```golang type IKMSAdapter interface { NewPrivateKey(keyId string, keyType string, keyAlias string) (bccrypto.PrivateKey, error) NewPublicKey(keyId string) (bccrypto.PublicKey, error) } ``` 长安链默认支持了腾讯云KMS, 不需要单独实现适配器插件,如果要支持其他厂商KMS需要提供适配器插件,并实现`IKMSAdapter`接口, 实现方式可参考长安链gitlab托管的common仓库,默认实现在`common/crypto/kms/default.go`. 实现以上接口后,通过go工具打包成golang插件,如下: ```shell go build -buildmode=plugin -o kms_adapter.so kms_adapter.go ``` 然后通过环境变量指定该适配器插件,如下: ```shell export KMS_ADAPTER_LIB= ./kms_adapter.go #路径根据实际情况指定 ``` ### 工具层 工具层主要用来生成和解析KMS私钥,并生成测试证书等。 **KMS私钥结构** 长安链共识节点私钥、客户端私钥可以通过KMS控制台生成,在长安链使用过程中,使用json形式表示私钥,结构如下: ```shell $ cat crypto-config/wx-org1.chainmaker.org/node/consensus1/consensus1.sign.key | jq { "key_id": "4ad75e10-5ead-11eb-a04f-5254009cd9d4", "key_type": "SM2DSA", "key_alias": "" } ``` 其中,`key_id`表示密钥唯一id,`key_type`表示密钥类型(如在腾讯云KMS平台上,国密sm2的密钥类型为SM2DSA),`key_alias`为 密钥别名(可选)。 **KMS私钥生成和解析** ```golang // CreateKMSKey - create kms private key func CreateKMSKey(keyType, keyId, keyAlias string, extParams map[string]string) ([]byte, crypto.PrivateKey, error) { privKey, err = kms.GetKMSAdapter().NewPrivateKey(keyId, keyType, keyAlias) if err != nil { return nil, nil, errors.WithMessagef(err, "failed to get kms private key, "+ "keyId = %s, keyType = %s, keyAlias = %s", keyId, keyType, keyAlias) } keySpec := &kmsKeySpec{ KeyType: keyType, KeyId: keyId, KeyAlias: keyAlias, } keySpecJson, _ := json.Marshal(keySpec) return keySpecJson, privKey, nil } // ParseKMSPrivKey parse a kms private key func ParseKMSPrivKey(keySpecJson []byte) (crypto.PrivateKey, error) { var keySpec kmsKeySpec if err := json.Unmarshal(keySpecJson, &keySpec); err != nil { return nil, errors.WithMessage(err, "failed to parse kms keySpec") } return kms.GetKMSAdapter().NewPrivateKey(keySpec.KeyId, keySpec.KeyType, keySpec.KeyAlias) } ``` ### 应用层 ```golang //签名 keySpec, _ := ioutil.ReadFile(userKeyPath) sk, _ := ParseKMSPrivKey(keySpec) sig, _ := sk.SignWithOpts([]byte(msg), nil) //验签, cert为解析x509证书文件得到 ok, _ := cert.PublicKey.VerifyWithOpts(msg, sig, nil) ``` ## 长安链KMS配置 **长安链配置** 在`chainmaker-go/config/config_tpl/chainmaker.tpl`配置模板中node配置项下开启kms配置 ```shell ... node: # 节点类型:full、spv type: full org_id: {org_id} priv_key_file: ../config/{org_path}/certs/{node_cert_path}.key cert_file: ../config/{org_path}/certs/{node_cert_path}.crt signer_cache_size: 1000 cert_cache_size: 1000 pkcs11: enabled: false library: # path to the so file of pkcs11 interface label: # label for the slot to be used password: # password to logon the HSM session_cache_size: 10 # size of HSM session cache, default to 10 hash: "SHA256" # hash algorithm used to compute SKI kms: enabled: true # kms enable flag, set true if use kms is_public: true # private cloud kms or public cloud kms, set true if use public kms secret_id: "AKIDW*****9RVUF" # cloud kms SecretId secret_key: "b0DSa*****LCsHQ" # cloud kms SecretKey address: "kms.tencentcloudapi.com" # kms server address, ip or dns region: "ap-beijing" # kms server region sdk_scheme: "https" # kms sdk scheme, http or https ext_params: "" # optional,this is a map string, like "". ... ``` chainmaker-cryptogen需要在 `config/hsm_keys.yml`内配置KMS测试密钥,如下: ```shell $ cat chainmaker-cryptogen/config/hsm_keys.yml hsm_keys: - wx-org1.chainmaker.org: ca: - e2920cd5-5a02-11eb-840b-525400e8e6ea,SM2DSA, node: consensus: - 4ad75e10-5ead-11eb-a04f-5254009cd9d4,SM2DSA, common: - 4ad75e10-5ead-11eb-a04f-5254009cd9d4,SM2DSA, user: admin: - 4a296f1a-5ead-11eb-8768-525400ce83fb,SM2DSA, client: - 4a5ebd1d-5ead-11eb-840b-525400e8e6ea,SM2DSA, light: - 4a5ebd1d-5ead-11eb-840b-525400e8e6ea,SM2DSA, - wx-org2.chainmaker.org: ca: - c4c263c2-5d9c-11eb-8768-525400ce83fb,SM2DSA, node: consensus: - c4e8faa1-5d9c-11eb-b9b1-525400d9da05,SM2DSA, common: - c4e8faa1-5d9c-11eb-b9b1-525400d9da05,SM2DSA, user: admin: - c50e9d19-5d9c-11eb-840b-525400e8e6ea,SM2DSA, client: - c5330fdf-5d9c-11eb-8787-52540018dc09,SM2DSA, light: - c5330fdf-5d9c-11eb-8787-52540018dc09,SM2DSA, - wx-org3.chainmaker.org: ca: - d71bbbf9-5d98-11eb-8768-525400ce83fb,SM2DSA, node: consensus: - d770a3e9-5d98-11eb-a04f-5254009cd9d4,SM2DSA, common: - d770a3e9-5d98-11eb-a04f-5254009cd9d4,SM2DSA, user: admin: - d6f5c969-5d98-11eb-840b-525400e8e6ea,SM2DSA, client: - 3fd1cfad-5d68-11eb-8787-52540018dc09,SM2DSA, light: - 3fd1cfad-5d68-11eb-8787-52540018dc09,SM2DSA, - wx-org4.chainmaker.org: ca: - e9570909-5d65-11eb-840b-525400e8e6ea,SM2DSA, node: consensus: - e971f0e9-5d65-11eb-840b-525400e8e6ea,SM2DSA, common: - e9570909-5d65-11eb-840b-525400e8e6ea,SM2DSA, user: admin: - 2efc1a70-5d64-11eb-8768-525400ce83fb,SM2DSA, client: - dd1bfef9-5d62-11eb-b9b1-525400d9da05,SM2DSA, light: - 2efc1a70-5d64-11eb-8768-525400ce83fb,SM2DSA, ``` 在chainmaker-crptogen中开启kms ```shell $ vim config/crypto_config_template.yml crypto_config: - domain: chainmaker.org host_name: wx-org count: 4 # 如果为1,直接使用host_name,否则添加递增编号 pk_algo: sm2 ski_hash: sm3 kms: enabled: true # kms enable flag, set true if use kms is_public: true # private cloud kms or public cloud kms, set true if use public kms secret_id: "AKIDW*****9RVUF" # cloud kms SecretId secret_key: "b0DSa*****LCsHQ" # cloud kms SecretKey address: "kms.tencentcloudapi.com" # kms server address, ip or dns region: "ap-beijing" # kms server region sdk_scheme: "https" # kms sdk scheme, http or https ext_params: "" # optional,this is a map string, like "". ... ``` 生成配置 ```shell cd chainmaker-go/scripts && ./prepare.sh 4 1 ``` 打包 ```shell ./build_release.sh ``` sdk_config.yml中开启kms ```shell chain_client: # 链ID chain_id: "chain1" # 组织ID org_id: "wx-org1.chainmaker.org" # 客户端用户私钥路径 ... kms: enabled: true # kms enable flag, set true if use kms is_public: true # private cloud kms or public cloud kms, set true if use public kms secret_id: "AKIDW*****9RVUF" # cloud kms SecretId secret_key: "b0DSa*****LCsHQ" # cloud kms SecretKey address: "kms.tencentcloudapi.com" # kms server address, ip or dns region: "ap-beijing" # kms server region sdk_scheme: "https" # kms sdk scheme, http or https ext_params: "" # optional,this is a map string, like "". nodes: - # 节点地址,格式为:IP:端口:连接数 node_addr: "" # 节点连接数 conn_cnt: 10 ... ``` pk模式下的配置修改: chainmaker-cryptogen中配置KMS密钥 ```shell $ cat config/hsm_keys_pk.yml hsm_keys: node1: consensus: - "8b2b9607-691a-11ef-adff-562333b38071,SM2DSA," user: admin: - "af404797-691a-11ef-8467-52540006abbe,SM2DSA," client: - "af404797-691a-11ef-8467-52540006abbe,SM2DSA," node2: consensus: - "908c2109-691a-11ef-b1f0-5254003cca81,SM2DSA," user: admin: - "dad6f5e2-691a-11ef-a5d2-52540024cbd7,SM2DSA," client: - "dad6f5e2-691a-11ef-a5d2-52540024cbd7,SM2DSA," node3: consensus: - "967f0622-691a-11ef-a5d2-52540024cbd7,SM2DSA," user: admin: - "e1e216d8-691a-11ef-b1f0-5254003cca81,SM2DSA," client: - "e1e216d8-691a-11ef-b1f0-5254003cca81,SM2DSA," node4: consensus: - "9dd896ad-691a-11ef-9f67-525400c86b9d,SM2DSA," user: admin: - "e7c3c3fe-691a-11ef-8467-52540006abbe,SM2DSA," client: - "e7c3c3fe-691a-11ef-8467-52540006abbe,SM2DSA," ``` chainmaker-cryptogen开启kms ```shell $ cat config/pk_config_template.yml pk_config: pk_algo: sm2 hash_algo: sm3 #pkcs11配置 pkcs11: enabled: false library: /usr/local/lib64/pkcs11/libupkcs11.so label: HSM password: 11111111 session_cache_size: 10 hash: "SHA256" # hash algorithm used to compute SKI kms: enabled: true # kms enable flag, set true if use kms is_public: true # private cloud kms or public cloud kms, set true if use public kms secret_id: "AKIDWu*****9RVUF" # cloud kms SecretId secret_key: "b0DSa*****LCsHQ" # cloud kms SecretKey address: "kms.tencentcloudapi.com" # kms server address, ip or dns region: "ap-beijing" # kms server region sdk_scheme: "https" # kms sdk scheme, http or https ext_params: "" # optional,this is a map string, like "". # Admin配置 admin: count: 4 # 节点证书配置 node: - count: 4 user: - type: client # 普通用户证书数量 count: 1 ``` chainmaker-go开启kms ```shell $ cat chainmaker-go/config/config_tpl_pk/chainmaker.tpl ... # Blockchain node settings node: # Private key file path priv_key_file: ../config/{org_path}/{node_pk_path}.key # [*] # Certificate cache size, used to speed up member identity verification. # By default the cache size is 1000. cert_cache_size: 1000 # fast sync settings fast_sync: # Enable it or not, true means do not execute smart contract enabled: true # [*] # KMS settings kms: # Enable it or not enabled: true # Public cloud or private cloud is_public: true # KMS SecretId secret_id: "AKIDWu*****9RVUF" # KMS SecretKey secret_key: "b0DSa*****LCsHQ" # KMS server address, ip or dns address: "kms.tencentcloudapi.com" # KMS server region region: "ap-beijing" # KMS sdk scheme, http or https sdk_scheme: "https" # Optional settings,style "{k1:v1, k2:v2}". ext_params: "" ... ``` **适配器插件配置** 参考- [ChainMaker - KMS适配层](./KMS.html#适配层) 注:如果使用腾讯云KMS,则无需配置kms适配器。