3. 数据结构


  • accesscontrol 与访问控制相关的用户账户、组织角色等对象

  • api 与客户端SDK相关的对象

  • common 核心区块头、交易、结果对象

  • config 区块节点配置和网络配置等相关对象

  • consensus 与共识相关的对象,不同的共识算法会有不同的共识对象

  • discovery 用于P2P网络发现的对象

  • net 用于P2P网络广播的消息对象

  • store 进行账本和状态数据存储使用的对象

  • sync 同步数据使用的相关对象

  • txpool 交易池相关对象


3.1. 核心数据模型

3.1.1. 区块 结构示意图 整体结构

// Block definition
message Block {
    // header of the block
    BlockHeader header = 1;

    // execution sequence of intra block transactions is generated by proposer
    DAG dag = 2; // 本块交易的DAG
    repeated Transaction txs = 3;

    // stores the voting information of the current block
    // not included in block hash value calculation
    AdditionalData additional_data = 4;

// block additional data
message AdditionalData {
    // extra data, with map type, excluded in hash calculation
    map<string, bytes> extra_data = 1;

// transaction execution sequence
// Using adjacency table storage
message DAG {
    // Neighbor node: related party transactions with reading and writing conflicts
    message Neighbor {
        repeated int32 neighbors = 1;

    // sequence number of transaction topological sort
    //the sequence number of the transaction topological sort associated with the transaction
    repeated Neighbor vertexes = 2;
  • Header:区块头

  • Dag:块内交易的执行依赖顺序,由Proposer生成,如果为空则表示本区块的所有交易都可以并行执行,不存在前后依赖关系

  • Txs:块内交易列表

  • AdditionalData:区块产生以后附加的数据,不参与区块的散列值计算。可用于存储当前区块的投票信息,交易过滤等,具体内容根据链上配置的内容而决定 区块头

// header of the block
message BlockHeader {
    // blockchain identifier
    string chain_id = 1;

    // block height
    int64 block_height = 2;

    // previous block hash
    bytes pre_block_hash = 3;

    // block hash (block identifier)
    bytes block_hash = 4; // 本块哈希(块标识),除block_hash和signature以外,其余字段参与block_hash计算

    // previous config block height, used to trace anc check if chain config is valid
    int64 pre_conf_height = 5;

    // block version
    bytes block_version = 6;

    // Save the DAG feature summary, and hash the DAG after Pb serialization
    // hash of serialized DAG
    bytes dag_hash = 7;

    // The root hash of Merkle tree generated by read_write_set_digest in the result of each transaction in the block
    // used to verify the read-write set of the block
    bytes rw_set_root = 8;

    // merkle root of transactions
    // used to verify the existence of this transactions
    bytes tx_root = 9;

    // the time stamp of the block
    int64 block_timestamp = 10;

    // proposal node identifier
    bytes proposer = 11;

    // consensus parameters
    // used to store information include in block hash calculation
    bytes consensus_args = 12;

    // count of transactions
    int64 tx_count = 13;

    // signature of proposer
    bytes signature = 14;
  • ChainId:链标识,用于区分不同的链,在多子链的情况下可区分不同的子链

  • BlockHeight:区块高度,创世区块高度为0

  • PreBlockHash:上个区块的散列值

  • BlockHash:本区块的散列值

  • PreConfHeight:上一次修改链配置的区块高度,在这个高度的区块中,只存在一笔交易,为配置交易,其中保存了区块链的配置信息,包括本区块应该采用的共识算法,加密算法等

  • BlockVersion:区块版本

  • DagHash:当前区块Dag的散列值

  • RwSetRoot:区块读写集的Merkle Root

  • TxRoot:区块交易的Merkle Root

  • BlockTimestamp:区块的时间戳

  • Proposer:区块的生成者标识

  • ConsensusArgs:共识参数

  • TxCount:交易数量

  • Signature:区块生成者的签名

3.1.2. 交易结构 交易结构示意图 交易结构定义

// a transaction includes request and its result
message Transaction {
    // header of the transaction
    TxHeader header = 1;

    // payload of the request
    bytes request_payload = 2;

    // signature of request bytes(including header and payload)
    bytes request_signature = 3;

    // result of the transaction, can be marshalled according to tx_type in header
    Result result = 4;
  • Header:交易头

  • RequestPayload:交易的载荷数据,根据TxType可以反序列化出Payload具体的数据类型

  • RequestSignature:交易发送者的签名

  • Result:交易结果,由Proposer生成区块时进行计算、赋值 交易头

// header of the request
message TxHeader {
    // blockchain identifier
    string chain_id = 1;

    // sender identifier
    accesscontrol.SerializedMember sender = 2;

    // transaction type
    TxType tx_type = 3;

    // transaction id set by sender, should be unique
    string tx_id = 4;

    // transaction timestamp, in unix timestamp format, seconds
    int64 timestamp = 5;

    // expiration timestamp in unix timestamp format
    // after that the transaction is invalid if it is not included in block yet
    int64 expiration_time = 6;

// Serialized member of blockchain
message SerializedMember {
    // organization identifier of the member
    string org_id = 1;

    // member identity related info bytes
    bytes member_info = 2;

    // use cert compression
    // todo: is_full_cert -> compressed
    bool is_full_cert = 3;
  • ChainId:链标识,表名本交易是针对哪条链的,防止一个交易在多个链中被打包

  • Sender:交易发送者信息

    • OrgId:成员所属机构编号

    • MemberInfo:成员的身份信息,可以是证书信息也可以是证书标识,依赖于IsFullCert字段

    • IsFullCert:是否为全量证书,如果是,则MemberInfo填写用户证书的信息;如果不是,则MemberInfo填写用户证书标识(该标识需通过证书上链接口提前在链上登记)

  • TxType:交易类型,有8种

  • TxId:交易ID,用做该交易的全局唯一性标识

  • Timestamp:生成交易的unix时间戳,当proposer从交易池获取交易时,用来检测该交易是否超时未上链;如果超时,该交易将从交易池删除

  • ExpirationTime:交易的到期的unix时间,单位秒,不为0时,交易必须在该时间戳之前被打包上链 交易结果

// tx result, part of a transaction in block
message Result {
    // response code
    TxStatusCode code = 1;
    // returned data, set in smart contract
    ContractResult contract_result = 2;
    // hash of the transaction's read-write set
    bytes rw_set_hash = 3;

// invoke user contract method return UserContractReturnPayload
// Unmarshal from TransactResult.TxResponse.payload
message ContractResult {
    // user contract defined return code, 0-ok, 1-error. for example, insufficient balance in token transfer
    ContractResultCode code = 1;
    // user contract defined result
    bytes result = 2;
    // user contract defined result message
    string message = 3;
    // gas used by current contract(include contract call)
    int64  gas_used = 4;

type TxStatusCode int32
type ContractResultCode int32
  • Code:交易执行结果的状态

  • ContractResult:合约执行结果

    • Code:合约执行结果的状态

    • Result:合约执行返回的结果

    • Message:合约执行后的消息

    • GasUsed:合约执行消耗的Gas数量

  • RwSetHash:交易执行结果的读写集哈希

3.1.3. 交易请求结构

// transaction request proposed by user
message TxRequest {
    // header of the request
    TxHeader header = 1;

    // payload of the request, can be unmarshalled according to tx_type in header
    bytes payload = 2;

    // signature of [header bytes || payload bytes]
    bytes signature = 3;


  • Header:交易头,详解见上述描述

  • Payload:交易载荷数据,根据Header中的TxType决定具体的载荷数据类型

  • Signature:用户对这个交易请求的签名

3.1.4. 交易响应结构

// tx request - tx response, only for RPC response
message TxResponse {
    // response code
    TxStatusCode code = 1;
    // response message
    string message = 2;
    // returned data, set in smart contract
    ContractResult contract_result = 3;
  • Code:交易执行结果的状态

  • Message:交易执行后,合约输出的消息

  • ContractResult:合约执行结果

3.1.5. 交易执行结果的读写集 读写集

// TxRWSet describes all the operations of a transaction on ledger
message TxRWSet {
    // transaction identifier
    string tx_id = 1;
    // read set
    repeated TxRead tx_reads = 2;
    // write set
    repeated TxWrite tx_writes = 3;


  • TxId 本读写集是由哪个交易产生的

  • TxRead 读集列表

  • TxWrite 写集列表 读对象


// TxRead describes a read operation on a key
message TxRead {
    // read key
    bytes key = 1;
    // the value of the key
    bytes value = 2;
    // contract name, used in cross-contract calls
    // set to null if only the contract in transaction request is called
    string contract_name = 3;
    // read key version
    KeyVersion version = 4;


  • ContractName 本读记录是读的哪个合约的状态数据

  • Key 本记录读取的状态键值信息

  • Version 读取到的版本

  • Value 读取到的值,后期考虑将Value移除,只需要依靠Version即可进行冲突判断。 写对象


// TxRead describes a write/delete operation on a key
message TxWrite {
    // write key
    bytes key = 1;
    // write value
    bytes value = 2;
    // contract name, used in cross-contract calls
    // set to null if only the contract in transaction request is called
    string contract_name = 3;


  • ContractName 对哪个合约的状态数据进行了更改

  • Key 被修改的状态键值

  • Value 修改后的状态值