# 隐私计算使用指南 ## 环境部署 ### TEE环境构建 TEE环境构建主要包括安装 Intel(R) SGX driver、Intel(R) SGX SDK和Intel(R) SGX Platform Software (PSW)。环境构建请参考文档:https://github.com/intel/linux-sgx#build-and-install-the-intelr-sgx-driver ### 下载Chainmaker-tee代码 ```sh git clone -b v2.0.0 https://git.chainmaker.org.cn/chainmaker/chainmaker-tee.git ``` ### 代码编译 #### 编译Enclave ##### 根据Enclave.edl生成Enclave_t.c等文件 ```sh cd Enclave /opt/intel/sgxsdk/bin/x64/sgx_edger8r --untrusted ./Enclave.edl --search-path . --search-path /opt/intel/sgxsdk/include --search-path ./openssl/include /opt/intel/sgxsdk/bin/x64/sgx_edger8r --trusted ./Enclave.edl --search-path . --search-path /opt/intel/sgxsdk/include --search-path ./openssl/include ``` ##### 复制Enclave_u.c和Enclave_u.h到gateway/bridge下 ```sh 手动删除 Enclave_u.h 中的第8行 : #include "sgx_edger8r.h" cp Enclave_u.* ../gateway/bridge cp user_types.* ../gateway/bridge ``` ##### 生成cgo代码 ```sh cd ../gateway/bridge go tool cgo bridge.go ``` ##### 编译Enclave ```sh cd ../../Enclave cmake . make clean make ``` ##### 对libenclave.so进行签名 ```bash /opt/intel/sgxsdk/bin/x64/sgx_sign sign -key ./Enclave_private.pem -enclave libenclave.so -out ./enclave.signed.so -config ./Enclave.config.xml ``` #### 编译隐私计算网关 ```sh cd ../gateway go build ``` #### 隐私计算网关配置config.yml ```yaml # 服务配置信息 settings: # web服务配置信息 application: domain: localhost:9090 host: ishttps: false # 是否启用https name: sgx # 服务名称 port: "8081" # 服务端口号 concurrency: 10 # 最大并发数 # SDK客户端配置信息 config: capaths: # 根证书路径,支持多个 - cert/ca chainid: chain1 # 链ID conncnt: 1 # 节点连接数 nodeaddr: # 节点地址,格式: orgid: wx-org1.chainmaker.org # 归属组织 tlshostname: consensus1.tls.wx-org1.chainmaker.org # TLS Hostname usercttpath: cert/client1.tls.crt # 客户端用户私钥路径 userkeypath: cert/client1.tls.key # 客户端用户证书 # 日志配置信息 log: compress: 1 # 是否使用gzip压缩,默认不压缩 level: debug # 日志等级,默认Info localtime: 1 # 日志时间戳是否为本地时间戳,默认UTC时间 maxage: 30 # 最长保存天数,默认不删除 maxbackups: 300 # 最多备份几个 maxsize: 1024 # 日志文件大小,默认100M path: ./logs/gateway.log # 日志文件名 # https 配置信息 ssl: key: keystring # 证书key pem: temp/pem.pem # 证书 ``` ### 环境初始化 1. 首次运行网关程序时,会导出Enclave可信区证明report文件(out_report.dat)以及证书请求CSR文件(out_csr.pem) 2. 可参考[SDK](../dev/SDK.md)的使用方法,或使用以下[CMC](../dev/命令行工具.md)命令调用系统合约将步骤1得到的report信息上链 ``` cmc tee upload_report \ --sdk-conf-path={./testdata/sdk_config.yml(SDK配置文件路径)} \ --report={report路径} ``` 3. 与上一步骤相似的,可参考[SDK](../dev/SDK.md)的使用方法,或使用以下[CMC](../dev/命令行工具.md)命令调用系统合约将第三方CA的签名根证书上链 ``` cmc tee upload_ca_cert \ --sdk-conf-path={./testdata/sdk_config.yml(SDK配置文件路径)} \ --ca_cert={根证书地址} ``` 4. 使用步骤1得到的CSR文件在第三方CA处申请签发TEE证书 5. 将通过步骤4签发的TEE证书以PEM格式存于文件(in_teecert.pem)并放在网关程序目录下 6. 重新运行网关程序后会自动校验和加载TEE证书 备注:若Enclave代码版本发生变化,需要再次执行步骤2将更新过的report信息重新上链 ## 隐私计算网关接口 网关是用户调用隐私合约的入口,当前使用http接口方式进行调用。网关提供的接口主要包括远程证明、部署合约和调用合约三个接口。所有接口的请求method均使用post方式,参数使用json格式。描述如下: ### 部署合约接口 接口地址:http://x.x.x.x:port/private/deploy,其中x.x.x.x:port为服务地址,用户可以在配置里指定。 请求参数使用go语言描述如下: ```go // PrivateDeployRequest is the struct of private deploy request args, it will be serialized by json when sending request type PrivateDeployRequest struct { // SignPair include multi sign pairs SignPair []*SignInfo `protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=sign_pair,json=signPair,proto3" json:"sign_pair,omitempty"` // Payload is the request payload, also the content of generating signatures Payload *PrivateDeployPayload `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=payload,proto3" json:"payload,omitempty"` } // SignInfo is one pair of signature and a cert type SignInfo struct { // ClientSign is the signature of payload ClientSign string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=client_sign,json=clientSign,proto3" json:"client_sign,omitempty"` // Cert is the certification used to verify the ClientSign Cert string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=cert,proto3" json:"cert,omitempty"` } type PrivateDeployPayload struct { // CodeBytes is the the codes of contract CodeBytes string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=code_bytes,json=codeBytes,proto3" json:"code_bytes,omitempty"` // PrivateRlpData is the deploy args which is packed by abi PrivateRlpData string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=private_rlp_data,json=privateRlpData,proto3" json:"private_rlp_data,omitempty"` // Passwd is the encrypted key which is encrypted by Enclave's public key Passwd string `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=passwd,proto3" json:"passwd,omitempty"` // SigAlgo is a reserved field and not used now SigAlgo string `protobuf:"bytes,4,opt,name=sig_algo,json=sigAlgo,proto3" json:"sig_algo,omitempty"` // ContractName is the name of deploying contract ContractName string `protobuf:"bytes,5,opt,name=contract_name,json=contractName,proto3" json:"contract_name,omitempty"` // ContractVersion is the version of deploying contract ContractVersion string `protobuf:"bytes,6,opt,name=contract_version,json=contractVersion,proto3" json:"contract_version,omitempty"` // CodeHash is the hash value(sha256) of CodeBytes, it should be hex bytes of hash CodeHash string `protobuf:"bytes,7,opt,name=code_hash,json=codeHash,proto3" json:"code_hash,omitempty"` // OrgId is a slice of orgs which is coordinate with SignInfo's Cert OrgId []string `protobuf:"bytes,8,rep,name=org_id,json=orgId,proto3" json:"org_id,omitempty"` // TimeStamp is the time when the request is built TimeStamp string `protobuf:"bytes,9,opt,name=time_stamp,json=timeStamp,proto3" json:"time_stamp,omitempty"` } ``` ### 执行隐私计算接口 接口地址:http://x.x.x.x:port/private/compute,其中x.x.x.x:port为服务地址,用户可以在配置里指定。 请求参数使用go语言描述如下: ```go // PrivateComputeRequest is the struct of private compute request args, it will be serialized by json when sending request type PrivateComputeRequest struct { // SignPair include multi sign pairs SignPair []*SignInfo `protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=sign_pair,json=signPair,proto3" json:"sign_pair,omitempty"` // Payload is the request payload, also the content of generating signatures Payload *Payload `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=payload,proto3" json:"payload,omitempty"` } // SignInfo is one pair of signature and a cert type SignInfo struct { // ClientSign is the signature of payload ClientSign string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=client_sign,json=clientSign,proto3" json:"client_sign,omitempty"` // Cert is the certification used to verify the ClientSign Cert string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=cert,proto3" json:"cert,omitempty"` } type PrivateComputePayload struct { // PrivateRlpData is the compute args which is packed by abi PrivateRlpData string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=private_rlp_data,json=privateRlpData,proto3" json:"private_rlp_data,omitempty"` // Passwd is the encrypted key which is encrypted by Enclave's public key Passwd string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=passwd,proto3" json:"passwd,omitempty"` // SigAlgo is a reserved field and not used now SigAlgo string `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=sig_algo,json=sigAlgo,proto3" json:"sig_algo,omitempty"` // ContractName is the name of deploying contract ContractName string `protobuf:"bytes,4,opt,name=contract_name,json=contractName,proto3" json:"contract_name,omitempty"` // CodeHash is the hash value(sha256) of CodeBytes, it should be hex bytes of hash CodeHash string `protobuf:"bytes,5,opt,name=code_hash,json=codeHash,proto3" json:"code_hash,omitempty"` // OrgId is a slice of orgs which is coordinate with SignInfo's Cert OrgId []string `protobuf:"bytes,6,rep,name=org_id,json=orgId,proto3" json:"org_id,omitempty"` // TimeStamp is the time when the request is built TimeStamp string `protobuf:"bytes,7,opt,name=time_stamp,json=timeStamp,proto3" json:"time_stamp,omitempty"` } ``` ### 远程证明接口 接口地址:http://x.x.x.x:port/private/remote_attestation,其中x.x.x.x:port为服务地址,用户可以在配置里指定。 请求参数使用go语言描述如下: ```go // RemoteAttestationRequest is the struct of remote attestation request args, it will be serialized by json when sending request type RemoteAttestationRequest struct { // SignPair include multi sign pairs SignPair []*SignInfo `protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=sign_pair,json=signPair,proto3" json:"sign_pair,omitempty"` // Payload is the request payload, also the content of generating signatures Payload *RemoteAttestationPayload `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=payload,proto3" json:"payload,omitempty"` } type RemoteAttestationRequestPayload struct { // Challenge is a random data to chanllege the sgx environmet Challenge string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=challenge,proto3" json:"challenge,omitempty"` // OrgId is the orgnization of Cert OrgId []string `protobuf:"bytes,2,rep,name=org_id,json=orgId,proto3" json:"org_id,omitempty"` } ``` ## 示例参考 ### 远程证明示例 请参考chainmaker-sgx项目下gateway/tools/test_remote_attestation ### 隐私合约部署 请参考chainmaker-sgx项目下gateway/tools/test_tee的call_deploy ### 隐私合约调用 请参考chainmaker-sgx项目下gateway/tools/test_tee的call_tee ## 附录——推荐的支持隐私合约的服务器CPU型号 | CPU序列号 | 型号及描述 | SGX Enclave最大预留内存 | | --- | --- | --- | | 6354 | Ice Lake SP XCC Intel Xeon Gold 6345 18c 205W 3.0GHz | 64GB | | 8360Y | Ice Lake SP XCC Intel Xeon Platinum 8360Y 36c 250W 2.4GHz | 64GB | | 6348 | Ice Lake SP XCC Intel Xeon Gold 6348 28c 235W 2.6GHz | 64GB | | 8380 | Ice Lake SP XCC Intel Xeon 8380 40c 270W 2.3GHz | 512GB | | 8368 | Ice Lake SP XCC Intel Xeon Platinum 8368 38c 270W 2.4GHz | 512GB | | 8368Q | Ice Lake SP XCC Intel Xeon Platinum 8368Q 38c 270W 2.6GHz (liquid cooled) | 512GB | | 8358 | Ice Lake SP XCC Intel Xeon Platinum 8358 32c 250W 2.6GHz | 64GB | | 8358P | Ice Lake SP XCC Intel Xeon Platinum 8358P 32c 240W 2.6GHz | 8GB | | 8352V | Ice Lake SP XCC Intel Xeon Platinum 8352V 36c 195W 2.1GHz | 8GB | | 8351N | Ice Lake SP XCC Intel Xeon Platinum 8351N 36c 225W 2.4GHz | 64GB | | 6314U | Ice Lake SP XCC Intel Xeon Gold 6314U 32c 205W 2.3GHz | 64GB | | 6338 | Ice Lake SP XCC Intel Xeon Gold 6338 32c 205W 2.0GHz | 64GB | | 6338N | Ice Lake SP XCC Intel Xeon Gold 6338N 32c 185W 2.2GHz | 64GB | | 8352Y | Ice Lake SP XCC Intel Xeon Platinum 8352Y 32c 205W 2.2GHz | 64GB | | 8352S | Ice Lake SP XCC Intel Xeon Platinum 8352S 32c 205W 2.2GHz | 512GB | | 6330 | Ice Lake SP XCC Intel Xeon Gold 6330 28c 205W 2.0GHz | 64GB | | 6330N | Ice Lake SP XCC Intel Xeon Gold 6330N 28c 165W 2.2GHz | 64GB | | 6346 | Ice Lake SP XCC Intel Xeon Gold 6346 16c 205W 3.1GHz | 64GB |